Laxiba Blog

  • Stress and abdominal discomfort – three answers

    Abdominal Discomfort Abdominal Discomfort

    Why there is a connection

    Head and stomach communicate with each other. Why? Simply, because our survival depends on it. Let’s imagine you participate in a footrace. As soon as the starting shot strikes, your victory requires you to burn way more energy than if you take a walk. Now, this energy comes from the food you consume. And the food’s energy is being made available by your stomach. But what about stress? What is it to begin with? Stress, for your body, means being in an alert state of supposed physical danger. That is right: physical danger. Your brain does not discriminate between an angry customer on the line and a tiger trying to get the best of you. This is because for most of the past thousands of years, this was the appropriate reaction. It is a security mechanism that shuts off those parts of your brain that are unnecessary for making a quick decision. Unfortunately, these are by and large parts that are required for rational thinking. The alertness also implies that your stomach is set into high-supply mode. The issue is, your stomach isn’t prepared to be in this state for hours on end, every day. This it why stress can lead to abdominal discomfort.

    How you can reduce stress-related abdominal discomfort

    The simple strategy is – have less stress. To achieve this, there are different approaches. The main distinction is whether the measures to relax or help resolve the situations that lead to your worries. In the guidebook "The Food Navigator" learn a sound approach to combine both. This is important, because oftentimes, worries have a reason to them.

    What can you do to act now?

    "The Nutrition Navigator" is a book written for people like you, who want to handle their abdominal discomforts. The guide was developed in collaboration with scientists and patients and provides you with practical and reliable advice. Aside from stress management, you will also learn about other factors influencing the well-being of your stomach. The book also contains a diet strategy with which you can avoid symptoms all together when necessary. Click here to order the book and get rid of stress-related abdominal discomfort.
    Stress can cause abdominal discomfort and bad decisions. Find out how to handle it and live a happier life.

  • Read the best advice on sorbitol intolerance

    Sorbitol Intolerance Sorbitol Intolerance

    Why you should care about sorbitol intolerance

    Maybe you are already familiar with the term ingredient intolerance. This is the most common cause for IBS symptoms. What it means is that the stomach is unable to make use of certain ingredients that are contained in some foods. This, in effect, leads to abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and/or flatulence. In cases of sorbitol intolerance, this is especially tricky, as rather small amounts of it are enough to trigger these unpleasant symptoms. Although it is the second most common intolerance type, most people have never heard of this sugar alcohol. As you want to free yourself from your symptoms, you should adapt to this intolerance if you find out that you have it.

    How you can manage your sorbitol intolerance

    The way to do it is to manage your consumption of sorbitol-containing products. For this, you need comprehensive food lists that are based on the latest scientific research. For a long time, it was widely unknown, for example, that certain vegetables contain sorbitol as well. If you do not know this, it is likely that you suffer from ongoing symptoms despite your diet change. Furthermore, it was neglected that in addition to sorbitol, eight other sugar alcohols exist that have the same effect. If you have the right food list, you can then replace foods containing sorbitol with those that do not. To make that easy for you, the best guidebook on the topic “The Nutrition Navigator” not only provides you the 1,111 products it contains in alphabetical order, but also ordered by fitting categories.

    What you can do now

    Purchase “The Nutrition Navigator”, check what kind of intolerance you have, and then adapt your nutrition accordingly. This is the most reliable way to free you from your symptoms. The guidebook also contains savvy advice and tools for your everyday life, such as a flyer for your purse with the most important information. The only guide that provides comprehensive advice on the subject is Sorbitintoleranz’s "The Nutrition Navigator". Discover compatible servings for 1,111 foods, such as cereals, meals, beverages, branded goods, fast food, fruits and vegetables. It is very worthwhile for you to read the book. In some products that seem to be containing sorbitol there actually is contained none. Others, such as some vegetables that were sorbitol free, in reality contain sugar alcohols. This knowledge is necessary, because proper nutrition allows healing of the symptoms. The book was developed in collaboration with scientists and patients. Therefore, you will find in it many practical tools. These include a flyer with the E-numbers for your wallet. In addition, the book also leads you to sorbitol free medications and oral hygiene products. Click here to purchase "The Nutrition Navigator" and manage your well-being

  • Handle your lactose intolerance

    Lactose Intolerance Lactose Intolerance

    Three things you should know about lactose intolerance

    Lactose intolerance - what it is

    Many people that receive this diagnosis are perplexed, as they have either never heard of lactose or would not have thought that it could affect them. Lactose is also known as milk sugar. It is contained in most milk products. Intolerance means that your body’s ability to make use of lactose is low. If you have a sensitive tummy, which has nothing to do with the strength of your character, by the way, this leads to various abdominal discomforts. One reason for these discomforts is the use of the sugar by bacteria, which results in gases. Morover, general abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea can result from this.

    This is how you overcome your lactose intolerance sympoms

    The higher your lactose intake, the more likely you are to experience the respective symptoms. Thus, one way to get over these symptoms is to reduce your consumption of foods containing it. Another way is to take in enzyme capsules. Still, both approaches sometimes only have marginal effects for people suffering from lactose intolerance. New studies suggest that so-called fructans and galactans play an important supporting role when it comes to the prevention of symptoms. These ingredients are also contained in beans and are the reason behind the saying “every bean has its tone”. Moreover, they are also included in milk and various other products. Research indicates that for many people suffering from lactose intolerance symptoms, fructans and galactans adversely influence their well-being more than lactose itself. Therefore, a sensible approach is to check whether you are intolerant towards fructans and galactans as well and then manage your consumption accordingly.

    What you can actually do

    Lactose intolerance usually lasts for a long time. Thus, you should find a reliable strategy to dealing with it. Consumption management alone isn’t enough. You should also consider health aspects and ways to compensate for the loss of important ingredients contained in products you avoid. Moreover, you should make sure that you avoid unnecessary consumption restrictions. This is possible if you determine your individual sensitivity and adjust your portion sizes accordingly. The only guide that offers you this opportunity and explains everything you need to know in a concise way is "The Nutrition Navigator". It has been developed in cooperation with scientists and patients. For its practicability, reliability and wide product range, it is highly accepted around the globe. After learning about the background and consequences of lactose intolerance, you can find out about the required tests in the guidebook. After conducting these tests, you can find the tolerable serving sizes for 1,111 products. An A-to-Z list makes a fast search easy, and category lists enable you to quickly find alternative products. You will also find out how many lactase capsules you need. Finally, the book also contains the fitting serving sizes for fructans and galactans. Click here to purchase "The Nutrition Navigator" and reliably liberate yourself from your lactose intolerance symptoms.

  • Lactose inside a sausage – did the butcher spill his milk?

    Lactose Hideouts Lactose Hideouts

    Why lactose hideouts disturb many

    In order to free yourself from your lactose intolerance symptoms, you have to know which products contain lactose in the first place. Your doctor has likely advised you that lactose is contained in dairy products. You know and recognize dairy products – butter, cheese, yogurt, milk, ice cream and quark. However, at some point you are stricken with surprise. Why is there lactose contained in sausage, for example? As soon as this question pops up, there are several that follow it: Does it contain enough lactose to harm me? Do I have to search for lactose-free sausage as well? What about meat in general? How many capsules should I take in per slice?

    How much trouble does lactose inside a sausage cause?

    Well first of all, a positive message: Lactose is not contained in meat by nature. It has been added to the sausage. Now you might be thinking, what kind of awful person would do that? Well, the reasoning behind it is that lactose inside a sausage improves its consistency. What you should learn from your uncertainty is that it pays off to be better informed. This is necessary in order to be able to neither restrict yourself unnecessarily nor suffer from ongoing symptoms.

    What you can do to avoid symptoms, despite lactose hideouts

    Handling a car without learning how to drive first is dangerous. After learning it, however, it becomes easy. The same applies to lactose intolerance. Here, it especially pays off to invest in solid advice, as it usually accompanies you for the long term. You want to use a reliable technique to overcome your symtoms. The world's most-often translated guidebook on this topic, "The Nutrition Navigator", was designed to help you. People with lactose intolerance and scientists were involved in the creation of the book. You will learn everything you need to know about the intolerance and find the perfect portion sizes for 1,111 products. Click here to order the book and learn about the tolerable amounts of sausage with lactose as well as many other products, plus discover how many lactase capsules you need.
    Lactose hideouts unsettle many sufferers. Find out how the lactose enters the sausage and why a high-quality advice pays-off.

  • The chase for the trigger

    Intolerance Symptoms Intolerance Symptoms

    Why intolerance symptoms can occur despite proper nutrition ?

    Those suffering from lactose intolerance in particular often experience ongoing abdominal discomfort. There are two common reasons for this. Either they unknowingly consume more lactose than they intended to, or they have an intolerance towards another trigger as well. The former case can either apply because they are not using food lists properly, the lists do not contain all relevant foods, or the lists do not account for interaction effects of the substances and are too vague to be useful. The usual suspects in the latter case are called fructans and galactans. These substances are also responsible for the bloating effect of beans. However, they are contained in many other foods and dairy products as well. The only guidebook containing reliable and comprehensive serving sizes that can be adapted to your intolerance is "The Nutrition Navigator".

    How you can find your lateral trigger?

    “The Nutrition Navigator” contains a symptom-based test technique. With it and the list of the most common triggers that is included as well, you have a great tool at hand to overcome your symptoms. Additionally, you’ll find a solution concerning the reduction of stress, as it can also affect your symptoms. As the book has been developed with scientists and patients, it contains reliable and practical advice. You will be equipped with food lists containing more than 1,111 products. These are indexed from A to Z for quick search and are also sorted by categories. This makes it easy to find suitable alternatives.

    What you can do to finally overcome your intolerance symptoms?

    Purchase "The Nutrition Navigator". Here you can check both whether you ate too much of a certain ingredient and if there is a lateral trigger causing your symptoms. With the comprehensive food lists, you can then adapt your diet in a professional way. Finally, the book offers many practical hints for your everyday life. Click here to order "The Nutrition Navigator" and get rid of persistent intolerance symptoms.

  • Three central answers to irritable bowel syndrome

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    This is why you should take your well-being into your own hands
    If you have IBS, what you are concerned with is handling issues such as abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence and/or constipation. The underlying cause is usually an intolerance towards one or more of the following ingredients: fructans and galactans, fructose, and lactose and/or sorbitol. It can also be caused by a malabsorbtion of a certain food. Which of these applies to you is what you need to discover. While there is no guarantee that you will find one or more specific trigger, the chances are high. As soon as you find it, you’ll be able to free yourself from your symptoms. The goal is for you to not get feelings in your stomach anymore unless you’re in love. Our approach is not to make your bowel less sensitive (there is no recipe), but to regulate the consumption of those things that irritate it.

    How you can find your symptom triggers

    Everything you need to know about the test procedures, you will learn in the guidebook "The Nutrition Navigator". This book is based on the latest scientific findings and was developed in collaboration with patients. The book contains various advice on how you can successfully manage your irritable bowel in your everyday life. One topic, for example, is how you can successfully cope with stress and worries in a solution-oriented way. This is important, as less stress leads to better results and more well-being. Moreover, you can learn how you can motivate yourself to go through the testing period and the later adoption of your diet.

    What can you do to get rid of your symptoms, once you know your trigger?

    Once you have defined your trigger, you’ll want to reduce the consumption of the foods containing it to a level that allows you to feel comfortable. "The Nutrition Navigator" provides you with comprehensive food lists. They contain the tolerable portion sizes for more than 1,111 products. These can be individualized based on your degree of stomach sensitivity. As these lists appear not only from A to Z, but also ordered by categories, it is easy for you to quickly find suitable alternatives. Click here to order the book and to take initiative for your relief from irritable bowel complaints.

  • Three things to know about fructose intolerance

    Fructose Intolerance Fructose Intolerance

    Reasons to take action if you are fructose intolerant

    The diagnosis of fructose intolerance provides many sufferers with a challenge. What is great is that they finally find out what has caused their symptoms. This is important, not only as abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and flatulence can result from this intolerance, but also because there are indirect side effects resulting from untreated fructose intolerance, such as depressive moods. On average, people with an untreated irritable bowel are sick four days more often out of the year than those without.

    How to get symptoms under control in case of fructose intolerance

    To get your symptoms under control, you want to manage your fructose consumption in a smart way. The key term here is manage, because there is an upside and a downside to fructose intolerance compared to the other types of intolerances. The downside it that sorbitol adversely affects your body’s ability to utilize fructose, increasing your symptoms. The upside is that if you consume fructose together with glucose, this negative effect is marginalized. Hence, aside from reducing the amount of fructose-containing foods, another option is to make sure to consume these with a sufficient amount of those products that predominantly contain glucose. Which products contain fructose, anyway? Predominantly, fructose is found in fruits, but it is also present in many soft drinks and sweets. To manage your consumption, you therefore need comprehensive food lists. There are some cheap guides on the market, but these neither account for sorbitol nor glucose, and also, the stated portion sizes are vague. One guide that offers you what you need in a practical way is “The Nutrition Navigator”. This book even enables you to customize the shown serving sizes to your individual sensitivity. This way, you can avoid unnecessary restrictions. A fructose intolerance accompanies you for a long time. For this reason, it pays to invest in high-quality advice.

    Here you will be well advised

    As already indicated, "The Nutrition Navigator" offers you sound help. In the introduction, you will find out about the causes and consequences of fructose intolerance. Afterwards, you will find out how you can free yourself from your symptoms. Additionally, advice from other patients that has aided in the creation of the book will help you in your everyday life. The book even covers health aspects concerning your diet. The last part of the book is the food lists. These contain the tolerable serving sizes for more than 1,111 products, including branded products, cereals, fast food, fruits and vegetables, as well as meals. Due to its scientific grounding, this book is also recommended by specialists. Click here to purchase “The Nutrition Navigator” and regain your well-being by managing your fructose intolerance.

  • Read what you can do to avoid flatulence

    Avoid Flatulence Avoid Flatulence

    Why you should treat flatulence
    Flatulence is uncomfortable and it looks strange. Some woman suffering from it are even falsely considered pregnant. Moreover, the pressure in the stomach is distracting and sometimes painful. Hence, it’s best to do something about it.
    How you can treat flatulence
    You can treat flatulence by means of a diet in which you prevent those foods that trigger the development of gas in your stomach. This happens if you eat too much of an ingredient that your tummy tolerates poorly. Everyone's stomach efficiency is different. As there are several potential suspects, the first step is finding out which ingredient is responsible in your case. Because when your stomach poorly absorbs one of these suspect ingredients, bacteria have to take on the extra job, leading to the emergence of gas, as they are less efficient at it. Now if this gas cannot escape, your belly swells. If you only eat so much of the trigger ingredient as your stomach can absorb, you avoid the breakdown by bacteria and hence, the flatulence. Once your trigger ingredient has been found, you need a fitting food list to take action. This list should show you how much of what you can tolerate while avoiding your symptoms. The guidebook "The Nutrition Navigator" takes you through all the necessary steps.

    What you can do right now

    If you want to free yourself from flatulence, the best thing you can do is to inform yourself well and then take action. “The Nutrition Navigator” has been created in collaboration with scientists and patients and thus provides you with reliable and practical advice. The book also contains a solution-oriented strategy to coping with stress. Moreover, its comprehensive food lists contain more than 1,111 products and the fitting portion size for all four common trigger ingredients. Click here to purchase “The Nutrition Navigator” now and free yourself from flatulence.
    Flatulence? Here is what you can do to free yourself from it in a natural way.

  • Protection against persistent abdominal discomforts

    Ongoing abdominal discomfort?Act!

    Laxiba_Trainerweb Laxiba_Trainerweb

    Why act in the case of frequent abdominal discomfort?

    Frequent abdominal discomfort indicates that something is wrong. Often, no serious disorder is present, althoughserious conditionsshould be tested for. Many sufferers have a food ingredient intolerance. This means that they can only poorly tolerate one or more substances contained in certain foods. Some usual suspectsfor intolerance are fructose (fruit sugar), fructans and galactans (the ingredients that are responsible for the saying “every bean has its tone”), lactose (milk sugar) or sorbitol (sugar alcohols). If you have an intolerance, you can free yourself from your symptoms by adjusting your diet accordingly. That means that you have to reduce the consumption of those foods that contain too much of the ingredient. Untreated food ingredient intolerances lead to sickness requiring four days off per year on average. Hence, it is necessary to take action.

    How you can determine the trigger of your symptoms
    The trigger can be determined by a battery of tests. First, you should consult a specialist to rule out acute diseases. The next step is to check if you have a food ingredient intolerance. All of these tests are described in a practical way in the guidebook “The Nutrition Navigator”. If you have such an intolerance, your symptoms result from two processes called fermentation and osmosis. Both result from poor absorption by your body. This leads to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and flatulence.If your body is overstrained by a particular ingredient, it is possible to measure this, as a certain kind of gas enters your breath when this happens. Hence, there are two things that can be measured: the amount of a certain kind of gas and your broader symptoms. These are used to determine your trigger. The latter test is employed if it’s not an ingredient, but rather a particular food that is causing your discomfort. “The Nutrition Navigator” offers you a comprehensive procedure as well as a list of the most common trigger foods.
    How you can handle an intolerance

    After learning everything important about the backgrounds and conducting your diagnosis, it is time to do something about it. If a certain type of food is causing your symptoms, this task is rather easy – you avoid it. But even if it is an ingredient, you’ll end up well off, at least nowadays. “The Nutrition Navigator” offers you the most reliable, comprehensive and useful food lists ever. For the first time, the interactions of the substances are taken into consideration, offering you precise information on how much you can eat of different foods/ingredients while avoiding symptoms. What’s more, the portion sizes can be adapted to your individual sensitivity, whereby you can avoid completely unnecessary consumption restrictions.Developed cooperatively with scientists and patients, it contains many useful and grounded hints for your everyday life. Click here to purchase "The Nutrition Navigator" and free yourself from your abdominal symptoms.

    Overcome your abdominal discomforts with an individualized diet. Learn about the backgrounds of your discomforts, the triggers and what you can do to free yourself from their impact.

  • Bloating - the three central answers

    Avoid bloating Avoid bloating

    Why you should act to avoid bloating

    There are social occasions at which everything should run smoothly. In addition to a proposal to your spouse, these include, for example, meetings, interviews and public appearances. In addition, passing your gas is, of course, unpleasant and far from classy, and can, especially if it occurs regularly, indicate an intolerance to a specific food or ingredient. In the case of a severe intolerance, it can even trigger depressive symptoms. Hence, it is worthwhile to know what you can do about it. To say it directly: medications are neither necessary nor advisable, since they sometimes contain the same substances that are causing your discomfort.

    How do you get rid of bloating?

    In one sentence: you can get rid of bloating by limiting the consumption of foods that cause it. It sounds easy, but first, you have to know the foods. Some of these, like beans, you already know. There are more though. It really is about certain food ingredients. Basically, there are four different types of potentially problematic ingredients, and there is a tricky twist to them. Everyone tolerates different amounts of them. That means the same amount of food can cause bloating for some people, but not for others. If you regularly suffer from bloating, this indicates that you are sensitive to one of these ingredients. If you consume it, instead of your body degrading it to gain energy, bacteria degrade these ingredients. The issue with that is that bacteria are less effective, and hence, gas is emerging from the process. Conversely, the less you feed the bacteria, the less you suffer from bloating. Therefore, it is sensible that you determine the amount you can tolerate for each of the ingredients and then find out how much is contained in the foods you eat on a regular basis.

    What you can actually do

    In the new guidebook, "The Nutrition Navigator", you will find a test with which you can determine the ingredient(s) that your body is unable to break down sufficiently. If you suffer from a food/ingredient intolerance, you will learn all you need to know about its background and consequences. In addition, you will find food lists containing the tolerable portion size for 1,111 products. With these, you will be able to correctly adjust your diet either permanently or temporarily before major life events. As the book has been developed with patients and researchers, the information is practical and reliable. Click here to purchase "The Nutrition Navigator" and get rid of your bloating issue.

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